0 - 3 Months
Born weighing 7lbs 9
oz, by four weeks he had reached 9 lbs 12 oz, and was rapidly growing
out of his clothes. Currently 9 weeks, Ryan has put on 5 lbs
since birth, has a gorgeous smile and is picking up baby language
pretty quickly. Won't be long before I can take him out on the
golf course as my caddy!!
Cute ... just like the old man
And it was all yellow ....
Get that camera out of my face !
I don't want the covers on
Ryan and mum immediately after delivery
Ryan and Dad in the recovery room
Ryan getting used to his surroundings ... or at least just the hospital ward
Yellow everything ... including the skin !
Ryan trying to have a sleep ... but not being allowed to
Ryan wasn't impressed with his first baths and tended to scream the house down
Ryan posing for the camera
Starting to enjoy his baths a bit more ... although that seat is still a bit big for him
Nicknamed scribble, Ryan doesn't like to keep his arms or legs still, and is likely to be a master of yoga
Ryan likes to play the angel in front of the camera
Staying still for more than 1 minute provided a perfect photo opportunity
Even mum got in on the act
Ryan and mum immediately after delivery